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Episode Two: The Top Five Censys-Visible Risks

The Internet has revolutionized how we communicate, share information, and do business. Digital security is no longer a concern just for the Computing and Information Technology space, as organizations across industries have a growing digital footprint. Understanding the sprawl of your public-facing assets, or your “attack surface,” is more pressing. Without this meaningful visibility, protecting your digital systems is a guessing game.

In the 2022 State Of the Internet Report, authored by the Censys Research Team, the Censys Research Team evaluated the presence of various risks and vulnerabilities across random samples of 2.2 million hosts from November 30, 2021, and 2 million hosts from roughly half a year later on June 10, 2022, all drawn from our Internet-wide scan data.

In Episode 2 of our four-part webinar series reviewing the Censys 2022 State of the Internet Report, Research Scientist Emily Austin and Security Researcher Himaja Motheram examine the top five Censys-visible risks that were discovered from this evaluation and discuss the implications of each

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