Explore the leading Internet Intelligence Platform for Threat Hunting and Attack Surface Management.
Discover how to empower your security teams to defend attack surfaces and hunt for threats.
Explore Censys thought leadership on threat hunting, attack surface management, and industry trends.
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Good enough data isn’t good enough. Having a robust source of ground truth internet intelligence not only reduces false positives and cuts down on the noise, but also enables security teams to intelligently prioritize and act on threats – before it’s too late.
Security professionals can leverage the power behind the Internet Map through Censys Search, Censys Attack Surface Management or Censys Data Downloads. The Censys Internet Map can also be applied to a wide range of applications to automate operations, enrich security tools and more.
Censys’s data accuracy reduces the number of false positives by 70%
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Censys has the widest breadth and depth of internet scanning data available, empowering security teams to identify host types, understand how assets are connected and configured to find and respond to both internal risks and external threats.
Censys has the widest breadth and depth of internet scanning coverage available; scanning services six times faster than the nearest competitor.
Enrich, label, and classify scan results with the context necessary to facilitate investigations and understanding across known and unknown assets.
With >95% accuracy, Censys surfaces behavioral data points on every host and running service, allowing security teams and threat hunters to identify patterns and uncover relationships between otherwise disparate infrastructure.
Censys customers trust us to protect their attack surfaces from adversaries and enrich their threat intelligence on bad actors. With over four global scan perspectives, Censys helps to accomplish missions faster with access to:
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