Explore the leading Internet Intelligence Platform for Threat Hunting and Attack Surface Management.
Discover how to empower your security teams to defend attack surfaces and hunt for threats.
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Cyber threats are one of the most dangerous risks facing government leaders and organizations across the globe. Threat hunting requires access to accurate, updated, complete, data. However, lack of visibility and actionable context that exists across many data vendors today creates blind spots.
With Censys internet intelligence, threat hunters have access to the data required to identify unknown attack methods that could have dire consequences to critical infrastructure and networks across the globe. Our highly structured data enables threat hunters to identify unique characteristics of attacker-controlled infrastructure and easily locate hosts given known IoCs. We continually update known services every day to help track rapidly changing infrastructure.
“The powerful search functionality and extensive historical data made Censys great to use for attribution. Censys is used in almost every investigation we do.”
- Bill Marczak, Research Fellow at Citizen Lab
Our team would love to connect! Reach out to learn about how we can help empower your security efforts.