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Total Economic Impact™ : How Does Censys EASM Deliver Value to Customers?


Censys recently commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct an independent study of the Total Economic Impact of the Censys External Attack Surface Management (EASM) solution. Learn more about what the study found and how to access your copy. 

When you’re weighing the pros and cons of adding a new solution to your security tech stack, understanding its quantifiable business benefits is paramount. You want to know: how much value will this solution really deliver to my organization? What kind of return on investment should I tell my CISO or CEO we can expect?

Though these kinds of quantifiable benefits may not be the only reasons you choose a solution (qualitative benefits like customer service can be just as essential), they certainly help clarify how value can be achieved.

The Total Economic Impact of Censys EASM

We recently commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct an independent study of the total economic value that our Censys External Attack Surface Management solution delivers to customers. Forrester’s study validates the benefits that we at Censys see our customers achieve on a daily basis.

How it worked: Forrester independently conducted interviews with Censys customers from different industries to compile a composite Censys customer. This composite customer is a global, industry-agnostic organization with 15,000 employees and $4B in revenue who has not previously used an EASM solution and who regularly acquires new businesses. Forrester used aggregated information about this composite customer and applied its proprietary TEI framework to arrive at three-year, risk adjusted present values for each quantified business benefit of Censys EASM.

Download the Study

What benefits did Forrester identify? 

Forrester identified six quantified benefits, which they describe below.

1. Increased efficiencies in discovering and assessing assets: “With greater visibility of the attack surface, cybersecurity analysts can discover new assets and assess more quickly with Censys compared to the composite’s previous environment, which required ad hoc, manual processes.”

2. Reduced likelihood of a security breach as a result of better asset discovery: “Having an attack surface monitoring tool enables the composite organization to identify and investigate compromises more quickly. With Censys, it reduces the likelihood of a security breach, which leads to avoided related costs.”

3. Reduction in employee productivity loss due to a breach: “There is a reduction in employee productivity loss associated with downtime as the likelihood of security breaches is reduced. Censys equips the composite organization to reduce the likelihood of breach and, ultimately, the impact on employees across the entire composite organization.”

4. Savings on security assessments for mergers and acquisitions: “Censys enables the composite organization to eliminate special asset discovery projects during M&A due diligence phases, which took up to two months to complete before Censys.”

5. Reductions in false positives: “Alerts are sent to the composite organization regarding any potential vulnerabilities in the attack surface. Censys’s data accuracy reduces the number of false positives that the composite organization receives.”

6. Faster remediation in security efforts: “With Censys, the composite organization remediates true security incidents faster compared to the prior environment.”

What do the numbers show?

For each quantified benefit, Forrester calculated a three-year, risk-adjusted present value to determine financial impact.

For example, when assessing Censys EASM’s ability to reduce false positives, Forrester Consulting found that the Censys composite customer experienced 70% fewer false positives than they had with previous solutions. Over the course of three years, taking into account time eliminated investigating false positives and the average cybersecurity analyst’s hourly rate, this 70% reduction in false positives results in a three-year present value of $763,189

Forrester combined the three-year present values for each quantified benefit to provide a cumulative NPV for Censys EASM, as well as total ROI.

You can access Forrester’s calculations for Censys EASM’s NPV, ROI, and other quantified benefits by downloading your  copy of the Total Economic Impact of Censys External Attack Surface Management study!

Use these findings to learn more about how security teams leverage EASM and better inform your buying decision.

 Download the Study

About the Author

Rachel Hannenberg
Senior Content Marketing Manager
As the Senior Content Marketing Manager at Censys, Rachel Hannenberg focuses on creating content that engages and informs the Censys community. Rachel has worked in marketing content strategy for nearly a decade, including at B2B SaaS companies and in higher education.

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