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Banners from Top 1,000 Ports Now Available to Enterprise Customers

Over the past year, we spoke with some of our most active customers to determine what other kinds data they would like to see from Censys. The most common request was loud and clear: Scan more ports!

Historically, Censys has been known for providing application layer scans of every public IPv4 host across several dozen protocols. We will continue to add new scanners (like RDP and VNC) and publish daily snapshots to the existing IPv4 data set.

Censys now performs lightweight scans on over 1,000 TCP/IP services

Today, we’re announcing that Censys Enterprise customers get access to this new data set, IPv4 Banners, which contains a daily snapshot of the banners and TLS certificates collected from IPv4 hosts on more than 1,000 ports.

For each detected host and port, this new data set contains:

  • Banners, including full responses from a HTTP GET request if a webserver was detected
  • TLS certificates, if they were presented

We’ve been performing these scans across 1,000+ ports since late 2018. Each host that Censys found running at least one service is refreshed on a weekly basis.

See the full list of ports in the new data set, and email our sales team to discuss licensing and to get a sample of this new data set, which is included with Censys Enterprise.

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