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Case Studies

How a European Government Agency Saves Time & Sees More with Censys

“[Censys] saved us a lot of time; some of the enumeration things we were doing before, I would spend a week doing them and now I can do them in 20 minutes. I have more time to keep on digging instead of doing the basics first. It’s a timesaver in a way that is huge.”

   – Senior Security Analyst, Government Agency

A European government agency responsible for mitigating and responding to security incidents was looking for a way to upgrade their threat detection efforts. Their current process relied on disparate tools and strategies that required significant time and manual effort.

Looking for automation that could deliver long-term efficiency, the team turned to the Censys Attack Surface Management Platform.

How did this government agency benefit from Censys ASM?

  • Automated asset discovery and gained contextualized risk recommendations
  • Reduced enumeration resource hours from 1 week to 20 minutes
  • Increased visibility into all external-facing assets, closing knowledge gaps
  • Gained the ability to customize platform capabilities with APIs

Explore the full story to learn more about how the agency gained greater visibility into the attack surfaces they protect and saved time as a result.

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Learn how this European government agency gained great visibility into their attack surface with Censys ASM.

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Attack Surface Management Solutions
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